"The beet armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is a polyphagous species that can attack a wide variety of crops both in greenhouses and outdoors, such as pepper, melon, watermelon, alfalfa, lettuce, cotton, or tomato, among others.
Biological cycle:Adults usually appear in spring. The female deposits the eggs grouped together on the underside of the lower leaves, covered by scales from the abdomen as a form of protection. The larvae have an approximate duration of 25 days, during the early stages they are gregarious, causing significant damage. From the third larval stage, they tend to live in isolation. The duration of the cycle can be 30-60 days.
It presents several generations per year, between 3-6 depending on the area and climatic conditions
Damages: Caused by the larvae feeding on the green parts of the crop as well as on the fruits. They can also attack shoots and flowers. The main symptoms of an attack by this species are the presence of holes in the leaves as well as punctures and/or gnawing on the fruits. The wounds caused by this species promote the entry of other secondary pathogens such as fungi and bacteria.
The use of pheromones in pest monitoring allows for understanding their distribution and population density, facilitating early detection in crops. This enables the establishment of capture thresholds to implement control measures.
Capsule The product EXILAB is a closed cylindrical vial containing sexual pheromone for monitoring the flight of S. exigua.The diffuser material is permeable to vapors, allowing the product to be emitted at a controlled rate.
The duration of EXILAB emission is 60 days. Replace the capsule with a new one once this time has passed.
Placement of: 3 traps /hectare.
1 capsule per delta trap.
Very important: do not open the vial.
Refrigerator or freezer for 2 years from the date of manufacture.
Spodoptera exigua