Usage for monitoring the peach twig borer, Anarsia lineatella

The peach twig borer, Anarsia lineatella, is a species of great importance in stone fruits such as peach, nectarine, and apricot, although it can also affect plum and almond trees.

This species overwinters as a first or second instar larva protected under the bark, in crevices, or on branches of the host plant. During the spring, the larva feeds on buds and shoots, causing them to wilt. This damage is of particular importance in young plantations and nurseries. When the larva matures, it leaves the shoots and pupates on the leaves or bark, with adults emerging a few days later. The larvae of subsequent generations attack the fruit, entering through the stem area and moving toward the pit. Typically, there are three generations per year, though a fourth generation may occur depending on climatic conditions. The first adults begin to fly from March to May, depending on the region. The second generation can occur from June to August, and the third generation from August to October, with variations depending on the climate.


The use of pheromones in pest monitoring allows for understanding their distribution and population density, facilitating early detection in crops. This enables the establishment of capture thresholds to implement control measures.



The product ANARLAB is a closed cylindrical vial containing sex pheromone for monitoring the flight of A. lineatella. The diffuser material is permeable to vapors, allowing the product to be released at a controlled rate. The emission duration of ANARLAB is 60 days.


Placement of: 3 traps per hectare

1 capsule per delta trap.

Very important, do not open the vial.


Refrigerator or freezer for 2 years from the date of manufacture.

Other related treatments Anarsia lineatella:

Anarsia lineatella

Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae